I Don’t Feel So Good

BUY A PRINT I was at a travel clinic recently, and I was shocked by the number of posters on the wall advertising for vaccines, telling me all the horrible diseases I was going to get just for stepping outside of my door (or my continent, as it were). I'm glad I'm not a hypochondriac, but I can see becoming one if I spent too long with these materials. I wonder what it's like to be the person who creates these posters. "I really want to draw the eye to the pain and suffering associated with this illness". I don't think I could work for a pharmaceutical company... On a nicer note, does anyone notice a couple of familiar faces in the posters :)? ~C When I was drawing this comic I thought to myself "heh, wouldn't it be cool if I got Bearman in there for that charity challenge of his?" I think I'm just barely getting it in based on his recent updates, but still, happy to feature that crazy, green haired dude in this strip regardless. But with a doctor theme, I had to throw Dr. Proctor of Addanac City in there too. I had a feeling his character would put his face on drug posters for all the right reasons, if you catch my drift ;) ~B Be sure to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter, eh ;) Share/Bookmark

31 thoughts on “I Don’t Feel So Good

  1. I have been waiting years for someone to give me an honorary degree. Finally I can tell my mother that I am a doctor.

    Thanks B for the charity shout out!

    1. You and your mom can be so proud, Bearman! 😉

    2. Your mother and I are very proud of you. 🙂

    3. I guess we can contact you for medical advice now, right?


  2. Hahaha! I love seeing Dr. Procotr and Dr. Bearman together. I’ve always suspected that Doc would pimp himself out for whatever her could. Thank you so much for including him! 😀

    1. Doc takes after his creator.

      1. Hey, you know me. It’s all about the Washingtons, baby!

    2. Our pleasure! These seem like his kind of scare tactics :).


  3. Doctor’s visit may cause nausea,constipation, bloating, anxiety, and death.

    1. Please consult with your doctor before going to the… waaaaaitaminute.


  4. Dr’s in tha hood. Nice feature. 🙂

    1. Thanks :)!

  5. Well done guys! Love sneaking in Proctor and Bearman! Now excuse me as I get a vaccine before I head to the grocery store…

    1. Better get two ;).

  6. Proctor is such a mean Doctor! He’s get me all curled up in fear too, I bet.

    1. Grab your cheque book! He’ll be your best friend, I’m sure :).

  7. Those posters would make a hype-ochondriac out of anybody! Love the Bearman and Dr. Provoc appearances, they fit right in there very nicely!

    1. Thanks Mark! Don’t believe the hype ;).

  8. Love the cameos from Bearman and Addanac.

    1. It feels right :).

  9. Definitely recognize those faces =D I used to be a huge germaphobe but now I don’t give a sh*t, the result? I find I’m getting sick less often! *knocks on wood*

    1. I think there’s a happy middle :).

  10. I’m not sure I could trust a poster that quotes Doc Proc!

    1. I feel like as long as it financially benefits him, you can trust him.

  11. Ha! Having just visited the doctor recently, I fully agree. No one needs to see that many poster and pamphlets about diseases.

    1. “Have you considered that you might have EVERYTHING?!?”

  12. I think the internet has created a whole army of hypochondriacs. But this is hilariously true!

    1. Yeeeeeah, heaven help you if you decide to google a symptom you’re having lol.

  13. Love all the signs. Good to see Dr Bearman & Dr Proctor working together for the medical betterment of mankind

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