Guest Strip: Zombie Boy

Mark Stokes of Zombie Boy (, who provided today's amazingly fantastic guest strip, may very well be the nicest guy in web comics, and a true pro/industry veteran. I gotta say Mark, I think you've got the genders right... it sounds MORE awkward if the duck was the man and the monkey was the woman, doesn't it? ~C Be sure to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter, eh ;) Share/Bookmark

19 thoughts on “Guest Strip: Zombie Boy

  1. Okay, gotta say? Wasn’t expecting the duck.

    1. But the Monkey you were? 😉

  2. Ah, the touching love story between a monkey and a duck. Makes perfect sense! Love the guest comic.

    1. Cartoons do it all the time, so it makes sense 😉

  3. I think when your parents are a monkey and a duck it really doesn’t matter which is which..haha

    1. Lol, good point.

  4. Explains so much about my aunt and uncle! 😛

    1. Lol, so totally not based in real life, cuz :p

      1. You mean something on the internet is not true?

  5. What the duck? I suspect some monkey business here. Where’s Maury at again?

    Nice guest spot, Mark! It looks fabulous. 🙂

  6. It’s heartwarming to know that love can triumph even in a star-crossed romance between a monkey and a duck!

  7. I was surprised by the parents, but I really like that his sweat sweats.

  8. Love Mark Stoke’s work, this is great

  9. Cheese and Quackers!!! That was awesome!!!! 🙂

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