Guest Strip: Legacy Control

Today's guest strip provided by one of my very favourite web comice-rs, the hard working and incredibly talented Javis Ray of Legacy Control ( Javis and my brother have a special bond... let me rephrase... they have a powerful connection?... hmmm, that's not it either... they're essentially dating. Man-dating. Web comic man-dating. There, I found my words. That still doesn't make okay what he did to poor couchy. Couchy, we'll get you some new cushions, okay? ~C Be sure to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter, eh ;) Share/Bookmark

22 thoughts on “Guest Strip: Legacy Control

  1. As I chuckle, my couch is giving me the “Don’t even think about it” look.

    1. At least not without buying it dinner first.

  2. More cushion for the pushin’! Great strip, Javis! Gonna go wash my eyes now.

    1. HA. More cushion for the pushin’! You win, Mark. You totally win.

      1. Yep, that wins for sure 🙂

  3. I imagine a lot of furniture would say this if they could talk.

    1. It`s better we don`t list all the inanimate objects that fit into this category.

  4. You know it’s an awkward day when you cannot make eye contact with your couch.

  5. How does Javis’ wife feel about all this man love?

    1. I think our wives are pretty understanding 🙂

  6. Awesome! That couch has been traumatised. 🙂

    1. Javis really is a master of that 🙂 (the awesome and traumatizing inanimate objects)

  7. Legacy Control and Twxxd together is like the Avengers and porn together. Minus Chyna as She Hulk.

    1. A compliment of the highest caliber, I say.

  8. Oh my ewwww *shudders*

    1. He he he.

  9. This week on Law & Order: Couch SVU…

    1. Well, it`s been a while, I guess that show could use another iteration.

  10. Poor Couchie’s gonna need years of therapy (or, at least, a lotta pillow-talk). 🙂

    1. Oh man, “pillow-talk” and “cushion for the pushin'” are the top ones.

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