Tough and Wiener – A Good Catch

We're happy to introduce a new strip today... meet Tough and Wiener! Tough and Wiener are a couple of gritty 1940's detectives, out to save us all from the denizens of the city. The little guy, Tough, is a fast-talking quick-thinking ace detective with something to prove. His parter, Wiener, well... he doesn't talk much. The format will be a combination of one-offs and short story arcs. We won't have specific days for posting them, but you can expect these guys to rear their heads from time to time. Enjoy! ~C Yeah, that's right, we just added more variety to our variety of strips. That and I've missed doing black and white strips for a while now. This came up because of some Home Hardware store owner names and C and I playing L.A. Noire. How's that for a combination? I'm honestly starting to think of us as kind of a Mad Magazine with all our different ideas and strips...and I'm kind of ok with that. Happy Friday. ~ B Be sure to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter, eh ;) Share/Bookmark

17 thoughts on “Tough and Wiener – A Good Catch

  1. Uh oh the Crook’s playin’ choke the Weiner

    1. T’other way ’round, actually… but your way makes a much better line :).

      1. Oh silly me, I thought Weiner was the little dead guy.

        1. Lol, all good! The names were meant to be a bit misleading.

  2. nyuck nyuck nyuck

    1. Why I oughtta :)…

  3. I like this, see. It’s gonna be good, see. With dames, see. Lot’s of dames, ngah. See?

    1. Wise guy, enh :)?

  4. Well said Saeed! LOL! Love the comic you two!

    1. There’s an emoticon I have in MSN of a little blue guy dancing a jig… really wish I had it here, it would be perfect :).

  5. This is a swell idea, with great art! Looking forward to more of this strip noir!

    1. Thanks Mark :)! Agreed, B pulled out the stops on this one.

  6. You can call them Tough and Wiener…but don’t call them Tough Wiener

    1. Or Wiener Tough, I suppose :).

  7. He’s right in front of him isn’t he.

  8. I love this aesthetic. This looks ilke it’ll be a fun strip 😀

    1. Thanks, Justin!

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