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Talking with You – So Long For Now

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Podcast Episode 100 – The 100th Episode

Javis of Legacy Control and Andrew of I am ARG join us as guest interviewers for our 100th podcast! Also tune into the end for something extra special from Daniel of Goober and Cindy. Thanks guys, this was an awesome podcast. ~B Intro by Alien7. Outro by Brandon and Steve.

Podcast Episode 99 – The Great E3 Debate

Our pal Javis of Legacy Control joins us to discuss this year’s E3. Sides are chosen, gauntlets are thrown, and some of it doesn’t matter any more because Microsoft pussied out and is just doing what Sony is doing now (there I said it). Still, this might be the most important podcast you listen to this year. That is, other than our 100th podcast which will post in a couple of weeks for your listening pleasure. Get ready, podcast fans. We (the Brothers Oliver) are taking your questions through two very special guest interviewers. I’ll let the suspense marinate. Seriously though, Tweet and comment your questions for us before next week 🙂 ~B Intro by Alien7. Outro by Brandon and Steve.

Podcast Episode 98 – Smashing Avatar

Mike and Ryan of Smashing Avatar join us on this week’s episode of the twxxd podcast. In it, we talk characterization, collaboration, and video-games. ~B Intro by Alien7. Outro by Brandon and Steve.

Podcast Episode 97 – I Am ARG! and Cons

Andrew of I Am ARG! joins us on the podcast again so we can talk about the ins and outs of conventions. ~B Intro by Alien7. Outro by Brandon and Steve.

Podcast Episode 96 – Kurt Sasso

Kurt Sasso of TGT Media and the upcoming documentary Little Person among Media Giants joins us on this week’s episode of the twxxd podcast. Be sure to check out and support Kurt’s IndieGoGo campaign to make this documentary happen! ~B Intro by Alien7. Outro by Brandon and Steve.